As we’ve discussed in earlier blog posts, one way that we help lower our overall travel expenses is to house-sit. There are several advantages to this for us:
- It saves money on lodging (hotel, campsites, etc)
- It gives us a chance to relax in a home with pets (we miss our own pets and this gives us some comfort, even if they aren’t our animals)
- It allows us to have good internet to sit and plan our next moves
- It gives us a space to do maintenance to the bike and gear
- It allows us to do laundry
- It allows us to cook a broader range of meals than we can do with our camp stove
For the homeowner, there are of course also advantages:
- Their pets get to stay in their familiar surroundings while the homeowner travels
- The pets are well cared for, and we report (usually via text) daily on their activities
- The house has a “lived in” appearance while they are gone, so it’s less of a target for thieves
- Any potential problems that may occur at home are caught early by the sitters
- Plants and/or gardens are watered and cared for
Since we knew we would be in Boise for a few days, we decided to search out a house-sit opportunity for an extra few days there while we planned the coming week or two. We found a sit on that matched our dates and applied, and were thrilled when the homeowners quickly selected us to be their sitters. We ended up spending a few days with some of the most mellow, laid-back pups you could imagine, as well as a great cat, all in a comfortable home that was near groceries, restaurants, and other supplies.

These guys were great companions for a few days.

So after a few days of research, bike maintenance, and relaxing in Boise, we headed out into the heat once again. Destination: The Pacific Northwest.