Vietnam Driving Test
1. Locate and identify the following vehicle controls:
A. Horn
B. Horn
C. Horn
Congratulations. You passed.
For extra credit, answer the following questions:
2. You are approaching a 4-way intersection. On your right there is a large group of scooters approaching, including a man on a scooter with a full size chest freezer strapped to the rear rack and a family of four and their dog on a scooter, with the driver talking on his phone. From the left is a farmer herding three large water buffalo. Heading directly towards you is a large truck half in your lane. You will all reach the uncontrolled intersection at the same time. Two dogs lie sleeping in the right lane and chickens are crossing diagonally from southeast to northwest. Your correct action is:
A. Honk
B. See A
C. Both A & B
D. All of the above
3. You are leaving the driveway of a gas station and intend to turn right onto the street. Your correct action is:
A. Honk
B. Do not slow down. Accelerate into the street without looking left, right, or even up from your cell phone.
C. Both A & B
4. You are driving a large bus or truck on a mountain road. When going uphill you are forced to slow to 10mph. When going downhill you can accelerate to speeds beyond any safe limit. Your correct action is:
A. Honk
B. Always straddle the center line to prevent the safety of any other vehicle on the road.
C. Both A & B
Note: The above descriptions of vehicles, livestock, driver actions etc are all taken from not just real, but very frequent daily occurrences. Yes, even the guy carrying the full size chest freezer on the back of his scooter. He passed me three days ago, right after the guy carrying the full size wardrobe on the back of his scooter. I think they might have been part of a moving company (“Two Men and a Scooter”?)