July 2
Sometimes the language differences can be amusing, but it often takes a native speaker to point them out. Here’s a few recent examples:
This one is my favorite though:
As I pulled into a campground in Austria, a guy saw my Texas license plate and approached me. His accent didn’t sound Austrian, but more eastern European, so I’m not sure where he was from, but english was not his first language. He asked, “You are from Texas?”
“Yes, I am.”
“I have uncle in San Antonio.”
“Oh, that’s very close to me. I lived one hour north of San Antonio.”
“He is very old. And dead.”
I almost spit out the piece of bread I was eating, and it took everything I had not to laugh.
Add that to my now-famous “I’m from Vindu, would you like a puppy?” story.
So I’m still laughing hard here but so did u misunderstand his statement of “old and dead” or…
Ha! Yeah, for a while I thought maybe he said, “old. And deaf.” But the more I thought about it, the more I’m sure he said “old. And dead.”