The Trip Continues

Reflections On The Past Year, and a Morocco Video

October 21, 2024 It’s hard to believe it’s been more than a year since we returned from our second season in Europe. We had planned to continue east, through Turkey, Georgia, and beyond, but some bad news had us changing plans and delaying our travels for a bit. In June of last year, we came […]

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Is Transfagarasan The Best Motorcycle Road in the World? Our Top 15 Rides After 63 Countries

October 21, 2024 If you Google “Best Motorcycle Roads in the world”, you’ll get a number of pages featuring a lot of different opinions on the subject. Depending on whose list it is, it may focus on highway-only riding on a touring bike, or slant more towards the offroad enthusiast. Everyone has their own personal […]

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July 22, 2023 Often we get asked “Where are you from?” Sometimes we just answer “Texas”, as if Texas is a country. To Americans, and especially Texans, it sort of is. It’s bigger than many countries. Texas even used a slogan for a while that called it “A whole other country.” Cover of the 2013 […]

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Bulgaria II: Churches, Monasteries, and the UFO Monument to Communism

May 27-June 1, 2023 It may sound strange, with us suffering “castle burnout” and “church burnout” after our second year in Europe visiting all of these amazing places, but we were headed to visit some churches and a monastery in Bulgaria. Though admittedly these are a little different. Shortly after crossing the border from Romania […]

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PeleČ™ Castle, Nevermore Academy, and Border Crossing Screw-up #2

May 27, 2023 Several people we met suggested that if we were going to see castles in Romania, we really needed to see Peleș Castle, and with a little research, we agreed that it looked beautiful. But after Bran, we were approaching Castle Burnout, and we decided that we would ride up to Peleș Castle, […]

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Bran: Dracula’s Castle(?), and new food experiences

May 25-26 The city of Bran, Romania is most famous for its’ castle. In fact, the opening line of the Wikipedia post for Bran Castle says — and I quote — “Bran Castle is a castle in Bran.” Now that’s some high-level investigative journalism there. So, just a warning, but this could get a bit […]

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Romania: Transfagarasan Highway and Vlad the Impaler

May 24-25, 2023 This was our first time in Romania, and with only several days, we had a couple of “must see” items on our list. First, we were headed to the Transfagarasan Highway. This road is very famous among motorcyclists and others who love scenic, twisty drives. Unfortunately, we wouldn’t be able to do […]

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Entering Romania: How to Screw Up an Easy Border Crossing (Twice!)

May 24, 2023 We were headed north into Romania for several days before making a U-turn and heading back to Bulgaria to park the bike for a short trip home. Leaving Bulgaria and crossing into Romania, we experienced Self-Inflicted Border Crossing Screw-up #1. But first a little background… At most border crossings in Mexico, Central […]

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Bulgaria I: Stopping By MotoCamp On The Way Through

May 22-23, 2023 Crossing into Bulgaria, you can almost still feel the old communist ties. Many of the buildings still have that look and feel. As well they should; it’s only been a little over thirty years since Bulgaria abolished the Communist Party’s leading role in the country, and held its first multi-party elections. It’s […]

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May 13-22, 2023 As we’ve traveled through five dozen countries, we’ve made it a habit to always try to learn a few basic words in the local language, whether Spanish, Swahili, French, Portuguese, Polish, Italian, etc. Being able to say “Hello”, “Goodbye”, “Thank you”, “Excuse me”, and “Toilet” are all important, and you can almost […]

Posted in 700 Travels, Europe | 1 Comment

To continue reading about this leg of our journey, click the “700 Travels” link under each post. The story will continue in chronological order. At the bottom of the page, you’ll need to click “Older Posts” to continue, even though it will actually take you to newer (chronologically) posts. Thanks!

PS: If you are looking for my year-long travels on my XT250 Yamaha that took me through 34 countries and across four continents, it’s still here. Click on the “XT250 Around The World 2015-2016” tab above, and use the Pull-Down menu to skip to specific continents or topics.